Elle's Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It has been such a joy to serve you this year! We very much appreciate your business with ReproScan. When people ask me what I enjoy about working with ReproScan, I always say three things:

1. We have the BEST customers!

I know I speak for the entire ReproScan team when I say this, we love hearing about how your clinics are doing, learning about how your businesses have changed, and watching your families grow. The demos, the trainings and the on-site visits are typically the highlights.

2. I have an amazing team!

For those of you who have been with ReproScan for a while, you know we have some newer faces. I am so grateful for the team that we have. Behind the scenes they joke, laugh and sometimes scramble to provide you with the absolute best customer service. We are not perfect, but I hope you have found ReproScan to have excellent customer service! If for any reason you have not, please let us know how we can improve.

3. No 2 days are ever alike!

I am guessing you all can relate to this one? It is (well, we will call it) one of the blessings of this industry. With the changing of the seasons, your needs often change: one moment we are talking through the best settings for equine scans, the next we are doing feedlot equipment audits, and the next we are doing fetal sexing trainings in preparation for the fall run. The diversity keeps it enjoyable and keeps me learning!

This year we have been excited to launch our newest ultrasound, the Apexx. For me, it felt like a long time coming. I started this R and D project way back in 2019 with the intention of launching in 2020. Well, we all know what 2020 brought us—so here we are in 2023 finally able to source chips and parts and able to launch. Having a new machine with superior image quality has been so fun!

And last, but certainly not least (we will see if anyone actually reads all the way to the bottom), personally I have some exciting news: I am expecting my first little one right around Christmas. Our Tiny Terhaar has already been in 23 unique states and 3 countries. It is safe to say, I have enjoyed the last couple of weeks closer to home.

So, from our growing ReproScan family to yours, we pray that you have a blessed Christmas season! And we thank you for your continued business—we look forward to serving you in the coming new year!

Merry Christmas!

Elle Terhaar

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Col 1:16-17 ESV


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