Improving Your Image Quality For Early Checks

It seems like we talk about how to improve your image quality quite often, but we do this because it is a crucial part of reproductive ultrasound. Especially if you are looking into doing early pregnancy checks. The early window that we are looking at specifically is the 28–35 day window. Preg checking this early is rather difficult, especially if you are new to ultrasound, but there are some things you can do to make it easier for yourself and the cattle.

1. Know the exams and settings on your ultrasound

On our ultrasound machines, there are pre-set exams with specific settings that are designed to be paired with different ultrasound scanning situations that you may find yourself in. For example, we have exams for short breds, deep-bodied cattle, sunny days, and more. We understand that no two days are the same and understanding exams and settings can be a huge help. And that is where you must make yourself familiar with these exams and settings. The depth is very important, especially if you are checking cattle in the 28-35 day window. Use the zoom feature on your ultrasound. Zooming in to 10-12 cm can make it a lot easier to find and measure those short breds. If you are in need of one of our settings charts, please contact us and let us know!

2. Train your eye!

This is another phrase that you will hear quite often from the ReproScan team. We always recommend that you set yourself up for success by training your eye, whether that is reading articles, watching videos of different ultrasound scans, or our personal favorite, attend one of our training courses. We always recommend our training courses as they are a great way to get hands on experience and one of the most effective ways to train your eye. If you are interested in one of our training courses, click here! You can also find our YouTube channel here. Take a look at the video below to see some highlights of our training course in Broken Bow, Nebraska!

3. Manure quality

The looser the manure, the better quality of image you will get. This will help significantly when it comes to early preg checks and your overall day of preg checking. One of the best ways to improve manure quality is changing the diet beforehand. You can bump up the protein, whether it’s throwing in a bale of alfalfa or feeding cubes, changing the protein in the diet will be a lifesaver the next day. You will not be the cleanest by the end of the day, but the messier the better!

4. Low stress environments

Low stress situations are always preferred, but it is especially important if you find yourself in the early checking situations. When the fetus is in the early stages of development, it is crucial to move slowly, limit transporting the cattle (if possible), and decrease any stress these animals may encounter. This will not only benefit the cattle, but also help you in the long run by keeping the chances of hurting that fetus to a minimum. Reducing stress will help reduce the risk of aborting fetuses and make for a much more enjoyable day of preg checking.

We hope some of these tips and tricks will help if you decide to perform early pregnancy checks. As stated above, it can be difficult, but we are here to help. Take a look at the videos below that serve as further resources. There are many other great article resources out there as well. BEEF Magazine releases some great articles, like this one! If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to give us a call!


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