Real ReproScan Dr. Mack

I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Lauren Mack The Animal Hospital since she purchased her first ReproScan machine in 2016. She was not against the ReproArm, but Extension Arm technology was not her preferred method of preg checking…until the other day. *It’s important to note that Dr. Mack and her husband are expecting a little boy pretty soon! After an early morning telephone crash course on ReproArm technique, I get a text, ”…that was AWESOME” she had used the ReproArm for the first time. She sent me a picture and I asked, want a quote to go with it? This is what I got, “Die hard palpator gives in due to large belly and a ninja fetus, LOL.” Thank you Dr. Mack for sharing! I can’t wait to meet the little guy and I am glad you are staying safe using the ReproArm!



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