Our ultrasounds are very durable. But, sometimes, there are forces outside of your control. How do you know when to send in your machine? There are a couple of key indicators that mean you should get your ultrasound checked out!
Stop Drop Roll
They appear on your image while you are ultrasounding. This is indicative of a greater problem and if dealt with early on, it could be a less expensive repair!
This is indicative of either a probe pull or a major trauma to the probe head.
Depending on the number of black lines you see on your image (dropouts), some of these are considered acceptable wear and tear throughout time and usage.
This is likely an electrical issue, and you should send it in before any further damage is done.
These most commonly occur when ran over by a vehicle. Over time, these cracks can let dust and dirt into your machine; it’s best to replace but not critical like some of the above indicators.