
September 2020

BoviScan Blitz is Back!

During the month of October, YOU can purchase a brand-new BoviScan package for 10% off! By taking advantage of the BoviScan Blitz, you can build your own ultrasound package, with packages starting at $7500. But what options come with these new packages? -BoviScan Curve: BoviScan Curve is a durable, lightweight, and portable, convex probe designed for cattle ultrasound. It is designed to be paired with the ReproArm for rapid pregnancy diagnosis and the alleviation of the shoulder and arm strain.

Who's In Charge at the Chute?

Pregnancy testing cattle requires teamwork and a variety of skills. Working cattle in good facilities with skilled cattle handlers, trained equipment operators and modern ultrasound technology is a rewarding way to contribute to the nation’s food supply. Unfortunately, there are still some cattle outfits with inadequate facilities and poorly trained personnel. Veterinarians are often asked to pregnancy test cattle in facilities where accidents and equipment damage may occur. This is unfortunate and unacceptable in our modern world where beef consumers want to know that cattle are being handled humanely and staff work safely and are treated fairly.

August 2020

Reflections on Extension Arm Ultrasound

Having an ultrasound has benefited both of my practices! In the original of the two locations it has given us the opportunity to expand our diagnostic options in the small animal side and enhance our large animal pregnancy examination techniques. We use our unit on a wide array of issues from viewing the urogenital tract and diagnosing pregnancies in small animals, noting fetal counts in small ruminants, pregnancy diagnosis in horses and cows and looking at the internal structures of masses, abscesses and more.

Why pregnancy test beef herds? Because you need to know!

Why pregnancy test beef cows? Because you need to know… By Dr. Andrew Bronson Back in the 80s as a young veterinarian, I was confronted several times by successful ranchers that said that pregnancy testing mature beef cows did not pay. These comments went against everything that I had been taught in veterinary school. And of course, I wanted their pregnancy testing business. I spent countless hours doing partial budgets on keeping open cows over the winter and marketing them in the spring after calving season ended.

What Type of Ultrasound is Right For Me?

Which ultrasound is right for me? Here at ReproScan, this is one of the most common questions we hear. Well, the first questions I ask are: What are you doing? How often are you performing that exam? What other exams do you hope to perform? We will work with you to choose the best probe type for what you are doing. There is not a one size fits all answer, which is why we love talking with you to help you choose the best ultrasound package for YOU.

May 2020

Equine Reproductive Ultrasound-Considerations and Timing

Considerations: There are many ways to diagnose pregnancy in a mare, however ultrasound stands out as the most useful and versatile. While manual palpation can diagnose pregnancy and potentially twins, it can’t show a fetal heartrate or consistently diagnose placentitis. Only ultrasound can show fetal health, birth defects, placentitis, and allow for accurate fetal aging. It also allows for the monitoring of cervical tone, uterine edema, and follicular development while preparing to breed a mare.

Real ReproScan Dr. Mack

I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Lauren Mack The Animal Hospital since she purchased her first ReproScan machine in 2016. She was not against the ReproArm, but Extension Arm technology was not her preferred method of preg checking…until the other day. *It’s important to note that Dr. Mack and her husband are expecting a little boy pretty soon! After an early morning telephone crash course on ReproArm technique, I get a text, ”…that was AWESOME” she had used the ReproArm for the first time.

Ultrasound Pregnancy Testing Beef Cows – Why, How and When.

Ultrasound sound equipment for pregnancy testing cattle has changed significantly since it became available in the 1990’s. Today’s ultrasound equipment is more portable, more affordable and more adapted to the conditions at the cattle chute. Let’s start with the “why pregnancy test” question. The most obvious answer is that we want to identify the open unproductive cows so they can be removed from the herd. Let’s slow down here and think this about this more.

April 2020

Using Small Ruminant Ultrasound to Build Your Practice

Marketing sonographic examination for pregnancy diagnosis and gestational aging can be a great way to break into the camelid and small ruminant community and service producers as few practitioners are currently offering that service. There are a few considerations to take into account when preparing to add this service to your practice. If you have ultrasound ability for cattle clients, you can probably integrate ultrasound into small ruminants and camelids as a profit center into your practice.

March 2020

Equine/Bovine Sonographic Evaluation of the Orbital Space and Eye

Ultrasound is an excellent, if under-utilized modality for imaging the equine or bovine eye. While you may not see a daily caseload of trauma to the periorbit, adnexa, or globe, when you do, a convex or micro convex probe can be used to provide key information relating to the structures involved, the severity of the injury, and prognosis. Cases that may benefit from this include chronic swelling of the eyelid or adnexal structures, foreign bodies, retrobulbar abscesses, lens luxation, retinal detachment, and uveitis.


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