Our Training Courses are Calling Your Name!

At ReproScan, we are firm believers in hands-on learning. We recognize that the most effective way to master ultrasound skills is by guiding each participant through every step of the process by going through the basics and then offering them the chance to actively utilize their skills under the close guidance of an experienced instructor by their side. Plus, with these courses being RACE approved, you will also receive 9 CE credits

Thankfully as the year progresses, we will be adding more and more training courses that will take place across the country. Each course will include two half-days. The first day will be held in a “classroom setting” where we will go over a presentation that will cover everything from open/early pregnancy diagnosis, fetal aging, extension arm technique, and more. Once the second day arrives, participants are able to put what they learned in the classroom to work at the chute. The day will include preg checking about 100 cows with an instructor looking over your shoulder and helping you through each scan.

If you are looking to gain a knew skill or wanting to brush up on your ultrasound technique, take a look at our training course page by clicking here! Our page is regularly updated with new dates and locations, so keep checking if you don’t find a convenient location nearby. We could possibly even hold a training course at your specific spot in the country. We just ask that you have decent working facilities, enough cows in the correct preg-checking window (45-110 days bred), and plenty of people who are wanting to learn. If you think you are ready to host a training course, please email Troy Cassel at tcassel@repro-scan.com.

Struggling to decide if a training course is the right fit for you? Hear directly from Dr. Brittany Kovar of Bar S Vet as she shares her experience with our training course in Broken Bow, Nebraska, in the video below!

**We hope to see you in 2024! **


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